Thursday, October 22, 2009

If I got a Microsoft Office Specialist can I use that to deduct University class credit?

I got a question if I get a Microsoft Office Specialist can I use that to deduce University class credit?

Current I attend University of Alabama

If I got a Microsoft Office Specialist can I use that to deduct University class credit?download

It will depend on the individual policies of the university- contact the registrar of your school. They are the people that deal with these issues. Usually this sort of certificate is dealt with in one of two ways. Either you get credit hours that don't count towards any particular requirement (like you had taken an elective) OR you get permission to skip ahead in your major class sequence without getting credit hours (my undergrad did this for qualifying AP scores). Usually you can't do both. But contact the registrar and see what they say, state schools often have slightly more liberal policies for granting credit than private schools.

If I got a Microsoft Office Specialist can I use that to deduct University class credit?hijackthis

Deduct or deduce? I'm confused.

But I think the answer is "No."

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