I got a trila version with my Sony Vaio and I do not have the product key to activate my free trial. Does anyone know where I can get one?
Does anyone know where I can get a product key for Microsoft Office 2003?spyware
Why bother? Microsoft has released a beta version of its Office 2007 to download and try. Please refer to the article which appears on BetaNews website. The site also has the download link to Office 2007 beta.
"Microsoft Puts Up Office 2007 Preview" -- betanews.com
"With 2.5 million downloads of Office 2007 Beta 2 already counted, Microsoft has put up a Web-based preview of its new office suite to reach even more potential customers. The online "test drive" features 18 product-specific tutorials and covers most Office system client applications and servers.
The preview allows users to try out Office 2007 components directly, or be guided through walk-through tours of the various new features of each product. Additionally, pre-populated data enables users to test new server functionality from SharePoint and Project Server." -- excerpt from betanews.com
Does anyone know where I can get a product key for Microsoft Office 2003?virus scan
I'd suspect either Microsoft or Sony.
Did you try with Microsoft directly?!?!
I mean, how thougher can it be than to ask directly to the manufacturer?!?!?
See ya
Add: Plus if it is a trial and you have a internet connection apparently then you can simply purchase the license and key online from your MS office!
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